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Vitaliz (Distribuidora de Productos Naturales)

Corporate Identity / Photo Product

Logo - Business Cards - Catalogue - Stickers - Van Decal

Vitaliz logo 2017-web.jpg

Naturopathy or Naturophatic is a form of alternative medicine that use any array
of pseudoscientific practices branded as "natural", "non-invasive", and as
promoting "self-healing". The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based
on vitalism and folk medicine, rather than evidence-based medicine. 

Vitaliz (Natural Products Distributor), requested a fresh and renovated image
for their company. An identity that take a stance in the industry with high quality and
reliable medicines offered to the most prestigious naturopathic physicians in
the area.


Business card was designed with the idea of highlight the natural concept based on plants, implementing the picture of one of the most well-known and used medicinal plants in the natural pharmaceutical field: Aloe Vera


For the product catalog I shot a photo session setting the lighting scheme that allowed suitable captures for each product on stock.
Retouching and background removal were done using the latest versions of
 Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.
All the information was organized, cover designed (featuring aforementioned Aloe Vera plant) and the concretion of the whole production was done by me. Including the revision, final art process and consecutive sending to print.

Each catalogue sample was delivered to the most important customers, It also was submitted in .pdf version including potential clients. I used Adobe InDesign for the Layout.

Vitaliz stickers.jpg

About the Logo
For Vitaliz word, the typeface was conceived thinking about organic shapes and the essential content of these meds, the plants. I proceeded to manipulate the name adding
some leaves and combining it with the type font characters, filling some parts with a
fresh greenish color.
For the Natural Products Distributor line I wanted it to follow the same path of the name but in a cleaner version that allows an easy reading and keep it simple.

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